Sunday, June 12, 2011



This coming of age picture is well worth seeing. It is funny. It is well produced. Director Richard Ayoade was a former TV comic and he brings his skills to this witty film.

Oliver is an awkward, unpopular teen. I laughed at his antics but I totally related to his pain. Bullying is such a problem for so many school kids. Oliver is the but of jokes with the mean kids. It was heartbreaking.

Oliver imagines his own death. We see pictures of the sobbing classmates. Flowers are banked on the wall. His parents stoically talk about the death. Vigils are held by the students. In his imagination he actually becomes a hero. Reality hits and we are back to the real Oliver’s life.

Oliver’s parents are well portrayed. Once again I couldn’t help but laugh at the ‘over the top’ images of a couple who are not communicating. The father works in a lab. Mom is so unhappy because Dad pays her no attention. A former boyfriend of Mom moves next door. He is a seedy musician. He wears black leather and his hair is a riot. Mom enjoys the attention he pays her but Oliver is upset. He wants his parents back together.

Oliver is attracted to a young girl who is sharp with her tongue. Once again there is so much humor in the interpersonal relations of Oliver and Jordanna. At the same time there is much pathos. This is what makes this film so special. The director is able to take you from one scene to another flirting with your emotions.

Dad drives Oliver to school and lets him off away from the school. Oliver says that is so he can ‘slip in like a torpedo.’

Oliver tries to woo Jordanna and invites her to his house when his parents are out. He arranges for balloons and has champagne on ice. He has candles burning in the bedroom. The two sit at the table dining on shrimp cocktail and look like a serious couple. It was very touching. He gives her books to read so that she would be more interesting. She cuts back with,” Why would I want to be more like you?”

This film deals with many forms of communication. The lack of communication with he parents is clearly shown. Oliver’s relationship with his parents is a part of the story. The mean bullying with classmates helps us to understand Oliver. Oliver is trying to establish a relationship with Jordanna.

Both young and old will relate to this film. This is a very special film. Go and see it.

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