Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Friends with Benefits

Friends With Benefits

I had a great time watching this adorable film. That does not mean it is a great film. It is entertaining. The main characters, Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake are so adorable together. Do they ever make sparks. (I have even read in the paper that those sparks carried on after the film was made.

There are a lot of bedroom scenes and they make lovely music together. Mila Kunis is gorgeous and knows how to play the part. Her name began to surface during the recent film Black Swan. She has a great future ahead of her.

Kunis plays the part of Jamie, an aggressive headhunter. She tries to woo Dylan from Los Angeles to New York. She shows him the sites of New York trying to convince him. It was fun to see them taking in all the sites. Of course he relents and becomes the art director of a male magazine.

They have such a good time together but neither wants a relationship. They both have had a history of bad relationships.

Jamie and Dylan decide to become good friends with all the benefits. There would be no commitment and no love. It was a ‘liking only’ relationship.

Anyone could tell with those hot sex scenes that more was to come.

Jamie’s mother is played by Patricia Clarkson. She is one hippie free thinking person. She adds a lot of humor to the story. Woody Harrelson plays the sport’s writer for the magazine. He is ‘terribly gay’ and very funny in his role.

Dylan takes Jamie back to California to visit with his family. Jamie overhears Dylan talking negatively to his sister about their relationship and she quickly makes an exit back to New York. The father is suffering from altzheimers and personally I felt those scenes were an extra without contributing much to the story. It did show Dylan’s love for his family.

This film is totally a formula. It doesn’t take intelligence to guess how it will end. You want it to end in a positive way and of course it does.

Justin Timberlake is trying to get more acting roles. He really is not a great actor. He does work will with Mila Kunisand as a duo they are adorable. She is great. The story is just a lot of fun and a great way to keep cool on a hot afternoon.

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