Monday, November 8, 2010

Fair Game

Fair Game

I apologize for letting my bias show so blatantly. I was so furious when I saw this picture.
I remember the story of the outing of the CIA agent by Bush and his cronies. It was a bad
story then and I am still fuming about the evil side of politics.
The film contains many actual news clips from that time. Sean Penn plays the role of
Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Wilson had been sent to Niger to get the ‘dirt’ on Niger
selling uranium to Iraq. It was thought that uranium was being shipped to Iraq in pipes.
Wilson tells the news and the government that there was no deal. Bush, Cheney and Rove
are angry because they are set on starting the Iraqi War based on their information that
Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The government wants to punish Joseph Wilson
and lets the news out that his wife, Valerie Plume is a CIA agent.
Naomi Watts is magnificent in the role of Valerie Plane. We see her doing her
undercover work. She travels to Cairo, Amman and Baghdad in undercover missions.
Her work was dangerous. Her family and friends did not know what she was doing. At
one point Joseph Wilson tells his wife,”I don’t know where you go. If you went missing I
couldn’t tell anyone because you aren’t there.”
Once the cover ‘was blown’ there were terrible ramifications. Valerie was trying to get
some leading scientists out of Iraq. They disappeared and were never heard from. Many
of her operations were cancelled. The tension plagued havoc on her marriage.
Wilson wants Plane to give evidence against the government but she is so down
heartened that she just wants peace and quiet in her life. She exclaims that the White
House has all the power and there is no way for her to tell her story. She is hounded by
news people and even neighbors threatened her with death.
It was so uplifting to hear that at least Scooter Libby was found guilty of exposing the
secret information. He was Chief Of Staff to Cheney. Everybody knew that he took the
fall for Cheney , Bush and Rove.
The film does tell us how Valerie and Joseph resolved the problem. Some news clips are
shown of the real Valerie Plane speaking out in a hearing. It is amazing how much Naomi
Watts and Valerie Plane are similar in appearance.
This was a dirty political game and Fair Game tells the story well. It was fascinating.
The actors do an exceptional job. It is amazing how close some of the actors look to their
real character. I would have sworn that Carl rove was acting in the picture.

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