Friday, November 11, 2011

Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers playing in Tel Aviv Israel

I don’t know if this film has played in Toronto or will even come here. I hope it will. It was a rainy day in Tel Aviv. This is not a pretty site. The water doesn’t drain because the city is below sea level. The water stays in the street and it is like walking in a lake to cross the road. I was alone on this day and decided to see a film. The films are listed in Hebrew so I really didn’t know what I was about to see. I noticed that William Hurt and Isabelle Rosellini were in the film. There were Hebrew sub titles but the spoken language was English.
The William Hurt character is a successful architect married to a very attractive woman played by Isabelle Rosellini. She is worried about memory loss and seeks out a doctor’s advice. He tells her to keep busy and find activities to occupy her time. She goes to an aqua fit class but discovers she is not coordinated and can’t follow the activities like the other members of the class. She does get involved with some volunteer work in a school program.
The children are concerned and care about her.
The architect is seduced by a young female worker in his office. You can see how he was mildly tempted but really not into it.
He discusses this affair with a good friend. There was much humor with the friend. He was wishing he could have an affair but was limited in activities due to bad health. He had a hearing aid, suffered from heart problems and bad knees.
The audience obviously related to the story and found a lot of humor.
The wife goes to her daughter to discuss her situation.
The ending is predictable but I enjoyed it all. There was humor and it was well done. It seemed to be a story about middle age crisis and coping with aging problems. They were a good family and cared for one another but things seemed to happen and the couple briefly drifted.
The grandmother is an important family member. We discover that she has cancer and will not live very long. I guess you could say that her death helped the family to see issues more clearly.
Predictable but well worth seeing. What a great cast.

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