Thursday, April 19, 2012



The best part of this film was the trailer at the end of the movie. It showed several cuts of the cast breaking up trying to say their lines.
The film was highly recommended by a friend and I tried to like it. Sorry but I felt it was crass, silly and even crude at times.
I liked the concept. A young New York couple, George and Linda, find they were penniless. They have both lost their jobs. They can’t keep up with their apartment.
They head out to another state to live with George’s brother. He is wealthy and that is the only thing that is positive. He is crude, abrasive and insensitive to both his wife and brother.
The young couple can’t cope with the brother and leave for greener pastures. They end up at a commune. One of the residents believes in nudity. You see him and see him often totally naked (not a pretty sight)
Free love and sharing of everything is the open way at the commune. At first the couple takes to this life style and feels content.
It was absolutely revolting when one young woman who had just given birth brings the baby still attached to the placenta to the table. There is talk of cooking the placenta. What a turnoff.
Linda has sex with another man and the husband takes off. She claims he gave her permission but he had enough of the free love and communal way of living.
I wouldn’t want to ruin the film by giving away the ending. I bet you can guess. Remember it is a Hollywood film.
Jennifer Anniston is always cute and plays all her parts the same way. I just get a little weary of this stereotype in every picture.
I find it hard to find any redeeming qualities. Sorry to my friend who recommended it. We will just have to disagree on this one.
At least the cast didn’t take it all seriously because the trailers at the end were quite hilarious when they couldn’t keep a straight face and kept bursting into laughter.

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