Monday, May 16, 2011

Die Walkure

Die Walkure Met Opera HD Live

How can the season be over? I have attended most of the 11 Met operas this season. I still marvel that in over 30 countries an audience is watching the same opera as it is broadcast live by satellite from the New York Met. It is truly the best value in town. I’m thrilled to watch the best opera stars. The pre broadcast and intermission interviews are fascinating. We get to meet the stars during intermission. We see the magnificent stage changes. We are able to see the musicians. Best of all the performance allows me to watch from a great vantage point. The large screen brings every gesture and nuance right at my face. I am wowed at every performance. If you miss the performance there is always an encore program. The concept is now spreading to national theatre. It is the cultural innovation of the century.

Die Walkure is the greatest performance. Be prepared to sit for over 5 hours. You certainly get your money’s worth. The Richard Wagner music is stupendous. The opera stars were spectacular. Deborah Voight is known for being a Wagner opera star. She excels in this performance. But then, so did every one else.

Robert Lepage is the producer. He is the most creative in the business. I would see any type of performance that he works on. The set was magnificent and convoluted. There was a small glitch at the beginning and the computers were not working properly in controlling the complicated set. It was worth waiting. The set was imaginative and creative. It brought modern day technology, creativity and brilliance to an old opera.

This opera is part of the ring series. There will be 2 more Wagner productions next year. I am already excited.

The story is convoluted but then it is an opera. I just sat back and enjoyed it all visually and orally. Every second was magic.

The encore productions will be on June 18 at 2:00 p.m. and on July 11 at 6:00 p.m.

If you have never seen a Met opera you owe it to yourself to have this pleasure. Next year is offering 11 operas. You can purchase single tickets or buy the whole series. The seats are all reserved. It is so nice to know that I have the same seat for each performance.

Go to for more information. See you at the opera?

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