Monday, September 26, 2011

I Don't Know How She Does It

I Don’t Know How She Does It

Any working mother will relate to the problems of being a good wife, caring mother and successful career worker. It brought back memories of trying to be the best at my job while caring for three young children. It calls for the ‘super mom ‘syndrome and it is almost impossible.
The darling Sarah Jessica Parker is a climber in the financial field. She is excellent at her job. She loves her husband, Richard and her two adorable children. As she gains promotions at her work the demands become overwhelming.
I must say she had the perfect husband. He went along with it all. I kept waiting for the divorce talk.
When he wanted to celebrate his promotion she had to be out of town. When he wanted a sexy evening he found his wife fast asleep in bed. She promised to make a snowman with her eldest daughter and was called out of town.
Her out of town work was a potential mine field. She was working Jack Abelhammer, a character played by Pierce Brosnan. Who wouldn’t fall for him? He was charming, handsome, intelligent and very thoughtful. She was cute and charming but always faithful.
Nobody could keep up that busy schedule. There was a lot of humor with the stay at home moms. Obviously they were jealous but had no understanding of her challenge. The stay at home moms were busy in their own way, baking for the school fairs and gong to the gymn.
The film tries to be a documentary type of format. The various speakers talk to you directly as if being interviewed. You get to know their innermost thoughts. It is humorous and effective.
I was sure I was in for the worst film of the year. I was most certainly entertained and thought it had a lot going for it. The issues are real and were handled in a humorous effective manner. This is a feel good film strictly entertiainning.

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