Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Lucky One

The Lucky One What makes one movie more acceptable than another? By all standards this is not a great film but it was enjoyable. The cast did an admirable job. The story was dramatic and there was emotion felt. There is also one adorable child. Zac Effron plays the part of an ex marine who has just returned from Iraq. He has seen too much in battle and cannot settle down when he returns home. He is nervous and jumpy all the time. He cannot remain living with his sister because he unsettles his nephews. The marine takes off (walking) to try and find himself and to locate a pretty young girl. He found her picture beside a dead marine. He is in search of a young girl. He found her picture by a dead marine and he felt the picture helped to save his life. The girl is played by Taylor Schilling. Of course she is beautiful and lovely. She and her grandmother are running a kennel business. The young son also lives with her A little drama is added when we meet the boy’s father. He is the local sheriff and not too smart. He is also mean. The marine ends up being employed at the kennel and is the perfect worker. He repairs the property. He loves the dogs. He takes over and makes himself useful which totally irritates the sheriff. There is high drama and a predictable ending. I kept wondering why I was enjoying the film. It would be very easy to find fault if I analyzed it too deeply. I guess a romantic tale is good company.

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