Monday, October 4, 2010

The Social Network

The Social Network

I can’t stop thinking about this film. It is amazing. I joined Facebook a while ago to see what it is all about. I quickly decided it was not for me and I don’t want any part of it. At the same time I do concede that Facebook is amazing and complex. I suppose the network is positive in keeping people in touch from all over the world. It also can be destructive to someone’s reputation when pictures and stories are told behind someone’s back. It has ruined many a person’s life. The film tells the story of the genius behind the evolution of Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg is indeed a whiz at the computer. He is also socially inept. It was humorous and also pathetic to watch him trying to converse with his girlfriend, Erica. It didn’t last too long.

While he was at Harvard he conceived of the idea of a social network on the computer. The year was 2003. At Harvard he was able to get into the files of the students and to use the information for publishing social information on the web. His good friend Eduardo became the financial officer and the two created the monster known as Facebook. Apparently 650 students signed up the first day. It wasn’t long before they had a million members.

Problems arose when twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss originally tried to get Mark to develop a network for the students at Harvard. They were rich and had many connections. In fact they later sued Mark and won millions of dollars when they charged Mark with stealing their ideas. He was also charged with breach of security.

Mark was such a nerd that he was seen working at his computer while others were partying around him. There were some heavy duty parties at the time with the Harvard students. How much is true I don’t know. It is fact that the twins won a law suit and did make a lot of money.( many millions) Mark could be so ruthless at times.

Sean Parker becomes a big roller in the enterprise. He is the founder of Napster and becomes involved with Mark. He manipulates and gets totally immersed in Facebook. He is a big party boy and is shown with drugs and many women. He tries to oust Eduardo from the company. It was shameless of Mark to sit back and allow Sean to be so ruthless.

I found it totally fascinating to watch the development of the story. Mark is such an unusual character and it was interesting to see him working to develop this mammoth computer program.

Mark Zuckerberg is played by Jesse Eisenberg. Already there is talk about the Oscars. His performance is masterful. He talks so quickly it is hard to follow him at times. Some of the lines are priceless. Always he is in character and portrays the part so well.

This is an excellent film from a historical perspective. It is an amazing character study and the performances are superb.

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