Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky

Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky

What an artistic presentation of a fascinating story! Coco Chanel was a successful couturiere from France in the 1900’s. You just have to walk on fashionable Bloor St to the Chanel boutique to know that her designs are still very prominent in the fashion world. I was completely intrigued with her input in household design. Her estate was furnished with black and white classic lines in the wallpaper, furniture, dishes and accessories. Her fashions in the film were so delightful to the eye. Of course all of that was enhanced by Coco’s portrayal by the very gorgeous Anna Mouglalis who has actually been a model of Chanel clothing. She does an excellent job as the tough, business woman who took what she wanted. At all times it was a feast for the eyes. I didn’t realize to what extent Chanel made an impact on society. She chose to wear short hair when that was not the norm. She freed women from that dreaded corset. Her Chanel #5 is still a perfume to be enjoyed by many women. She had quite a career and was a fascinating woman.

Igor Stravinsky is known for his amazing musical compositions. The Rite of Spring was first performed in Paris in 1913. It almost produced a riot. The patrons yelled out obscenities and stormed out of the performance. Coco Chanel was in attendance at the time. She sat there stoically with a smile on her face. Stravinsky went on to become a composer of great repute.

Chanel invites Stravinsky, his wife and children to live in her villa so that he could compose his music without any restraints.

Chanel is fascinated with Stravinsky and it is safe to say she seduced him. There are several beautiful nude scenes of the couple making love. It is always pleasant to view two beautiful bodies entwined.

I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Stravinsky’s ill wife. She is well aware what is going on and does leave eventually.

The film is a vision for the eyes. The estate is magnificent and I took upon myself the challenge of finding all the Chanel designs shown throughout the film. The camera lingers on the faces and you feel the emotion and see the beauty of the characters. The acting is excellent.

I totally enjoyed this creative presentation.

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