Monday, May 3, 2010


This opera made such an impression that I couldn’t remember the name later in the day. How embarrassing when I stated I had just come from an opera and a friend asked me which one.

This production is a first for the Met. I applaud them for trying new operas. I don’t have to love them all. I feel it expands my horizons and I do want to experience a variety of operas. This is the last opera of the season. You can catch the encore May 22. I do admit that the third act was wonderful and I was glad that I hadn’t left like many of the audience.

I can’t wait to sign up for next season on August 27. I still get a thrill every time the technician says, “ Maesto to the pit.” because I know I am in for a thrilling cultural experience.

I delighted at the close up of the French horn player at the beginning of this presentation. The camera zoomed in on his fingers. I could see every whisker on his face.

Renee Fleming was the diva on this occasion. I will see any performance that she is in. She is beautiful, a great actress and her voice is magical. I was not disappointed in her performance in Armida. It all looks so effortless and she makes every note tug at my heart. She was interviewed during the intermission. Renee explained that the bell canto roll is very demanding and she must pace herself. It looked effortless to me.

I enjoyed listening to the director, Mary Zimmerman give details about this production.

During the intermission we saw excerpts from the future productions for next year. I look forward to the Robert Lepage production of a Wagner opera. We were told that it is a faithful retelling but using modern technology. I can’t wait.

The Met Operas live by satellite are the best cultural bargain. You watch the performance from the best seat possible. You see everything at a close range. The performers are the best of the Met and it is always a thrilling experience. It is also extremely economical.

The High definition performances are growing in numbers. The National Theatre in England has started showing productions by satellite and I am told it is amazing.

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