Sunday, May 16, 2010

Letters to Juliet

I loved every minute of this delightful romantic story. Some will find it ‘very light’ in strength. The scenes in Tuscany were worth the price of admission. The cinematography was splendid.

Vanessa Redgrave is a fine actress. I love listening to her deep voice and how she enunciates words. Who doesn’t want a little romance in their life? She plays the part of Claire who returns to Verona in search of a long lost love.

Amanda Seyfried has one of the leading roles. She is so beautiful and perky. She plays the part of Sophie. Sophie works for an American paper as a fact checker but wants to be a writer. She goes to Verona with her ‘icky’ boyfriend. He is a restaurateur and is only interested in food and purchasing items for his restaurant. He definitely hasn’t opened his eyes or his heart to Sophie.

Sophie visits the balcony famous for Romeo and Juliet. The women from the town would write letters and paste them on the wall. The letters were bemoaning the problems in their love life. Sophie metes up with a group of delightful women who have the job of answering all the letters.

Sophie discovers a letter that had been hidden in the wall for 50 years, Claire ( played by Vanessa Redgrave) had written the letter when she had fallen in love with Lorenzo. She was young at the time and did not follow her heart. She left him and returned home to England.

Now 50 years later she returns to Verona when Sophie answers her long lost letter. Claire arrives with her pretentious, arrogant grandson. They set out to find Lorenzo.

Many humorous scenes are portrayed as they follow the winding roads of Tuscany in search of Lorenzo. Sophie goes along for the adventure. She constantly keeps notes so that she can write the story on her return. Claire and Sophie become very close. It doesn’t take much imagination to guess what happens with the silly grandson and Sophie.

Ridiculous and incredulous for sure. I didn’t care. I was enthralled with the scenery and Vanessa Redgrave.

I had a great time and loved the romance in the air.

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