Monday, July 26, 2010



Thank you Josh Fox for daring to make this unbelievable documentary about the gas drilling in the United States. It must be seen by everyone. The film was powerful and upsetting. My friend and I discussed how it was a Michael Moore type of investigation but much more powerful.

I was simply unaware of the problems faced by ‘ordinary folk’ who happen to live close to the gas drilling in the United States. I was totally unaware of how much land is involved with this major problem. 34 states are involved in drilling.

In 1972 Richard Nixon signed a Clean Air Act. Dick Cheney managed to write exemptions for the oil and gas industry. I have never been a fan of this man but after this film I want him tried in court and sent to jail.

The Halliburton hydraulic fracturing system beaks into the earth to find the gas. It also pollutes the water as a result. I witnessed in the film many communities suffering with undrinkable water. Can you imagine holding a match to your tap and watching a fire burst forth? This happened countless times. The residents in many communities were told by authorities that their water was safe. Later when it was analyzed it showed a combination of carcinogenic chemicals. Many of the people suffered from horrible illnesses. I watched the children play in the fields and was saddened to think that the situation was hopeless. Their land was polluted. Nobody was helping and the children were going to face terrible health problems. Nobody would help these residents and authorities kept lying to them. Their property was being destroyed by the gas lines. Their health was totally being destroyed. They were unable to drink the water or even bathe in it.

Josh tried to find people within Halliburton to interview. Of course nobody was available.

In one town water well actually exploded due to the gas build up under the surface. Many animals were sick and their hair was falling out. It was pathetic. One woman stored dead animals in her freezer so that one day she could use them as proof that they died from the carcinogenic material on the land and in the water.

Dick Cheney played a large part in the development of the gas lines and certainly didn’t do anything to help the poor folk who suffered as a result.

Oil and gas emissions from the drilling are much worse for the environment than cars. The ozone layer is in serious shape as a result of the emissions in the air. Many of the toxins dumped into the water returned to the land after some of the past hurricanes struck.

This is the number 1 environmental problem. I was happy to see that a state Government investigation was looking into the matter.

I left feeling that the situation is close to hopeless. The big gas drilling corporations have too much power. They are lying to the people and the end result is serious and disturbing.

The film could do with some editing but it was dynamite to watch. I would think that Josh would have been at some risk in attempting to make all his interviews. Let’s hope that the finished documentary will be seen by enough people to start pushing for change.

The film is playing at the Royal Cinema. Unfortunately the film only shows once a day. The theatre is used for film editing during the day. The Royal continues to get the most outstanding films. This particular film is a must.

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