Monday, February 8, 2010

Simon Boccanegra

Absolutely magnificent! Awesome. Fantastic!

How would you like to have Placido Domingo singing right in your face? He is magnificent and I loved every note and every dramatic gesture. I am so grateful that the Met Opera sends these wonderful operas through ought 30 countries via satellite. It is amazing to watch these Saturday matinees knowing that the performance is going on live in New York. If you missed this magnificent production you can possibly catch the encore broadcast on March 20.( if there are tickets) I purchase all my tickets for the full year on August 8. Most performances are sold out. Go to and see about future operas. It is the buy of the century.

The beautiful talented opera singer, Renee Fleming introduced the film. When she sings I am enthralled. When she speaks I hang on every word. She is so beautiful and so knowledgeable about opera.

The set changes were spectacular and the audience gets to see the back stage arrangements. 100’s of stage workers perform miracles in between scenes. The sets for Simon Boccanego were wonderful. The senate chambers features wonderful murals on the ceiling and the costumes were splendid with the senators in magnificent robes. This opera is not to be missed.

It was dramatic. Every note was perfect. I had tears in my eyes as the melodrama unfolded.

This was a first for Placido Domingo. He sang baritone instead of his usual tenor. The man is such a great actor and singer. The death scene was worthy of an Oscar. The dark sober colors of the sets and the costumes set the tone for this heavy drama. It felt as if I was looking at a painting by a master artist.

James Levine is not a well person but when he directs he has a smile on his face and love in his heart. It shows. Renee Fleminng introduced the audience to the main stars during intermission.

This was a masterful production not to be missed.

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