Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

What better week than this to see this romantic comedy. The only thing missing was the dashing young lover at my side.

What a cast! Half of Hollywood stars are part of this cast. Why would they all agree to bit parts in this comedy? I hope it is because they just had a fun in making this silly film. The film is a series of vignettes with a large cast. All the little plots deal with the theme of love. The young student who loves his teacher is so believable. The gorgeous woman who thinks her boyfriend is perfect is devastated when she discovers he is married. It was quite a hilarious scene when she pretends to be the waitress when the boyfriend is dining with his wife.

Ashton Kutcher is a central character who runs a florist shop. What could be more symbolic to love than flowers?

Shirley MacLaine has a bit role in the film. I thought she was great. We think she and her long time husband have been faithful and in love all the many years. She does confess to a tiny indiscretion years before but true love finds its way at the end.

You need a map to keep the characters straight. Best to relax and just watch the scenarios as they unfold. It was fun to see all these famous people in one film.

They are too numerous to name. It is best to watch the film and try to guess who all the stars are in the film.

For Valentine Week this film was delightful. I don’t see it going very far for a long run. The topic of love is so universal and it is entertaining to a point.

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